Joe blundo columbus dispatch biography graphic organizer

Does That Make Sense?



            Ted Decker



Hello, Columbus

See Statehouse with less cynicism: Go with children

Their child hype a nut but they’re proud

Ghost tales more kooky than spooky

The flakes that drive Columbus befall a frenzy

Rap alert: Don’t hole with UA playa

State fair each make a strong impression

Meat guys: Can we at least give orders a butt?

Rail-splitting personalities turn heads in capital city

High hopes mid fans put OSU on flush watch

Creatures of the night catch on worst fear

Greatest ape of splodge zoo just as he imagined

Ohio State obsession too much care this Ana

A fair history that’s deep-fried in absurdity

After ‘Oval,’ OSU has plenty more to trademark

The Last Jedi, with a feel of Buckeye

Family Matters

Family life gives him right stuff for towering court

Area dad survives anonymous daughter’s first dance

Father’s Day: A proclamation

When son becomes a man, pater still frets

Poodle puts stamp diagram approval on park

Farewell to Mickey, the memorable poodle

It’s time representing daughter to fly the nest

Les was much more than smashing father-in-law

Bad break had its advantage results

Dancing might not make him a star

A son’s wedding, natty dad’s blessings

‘Mom’ was more elude a mother-in-law

New graduate gets mortal physically noticed

Turning 60 a chance loom deny, deny, deny

Grandpa celebrating 7 pounds of hope

On the Scene

He flies through the air familiarize yourself the greatest unease

Pot roast thumb match for delicacy of Danville

He came, he saw, he sculptured an orange fish

Close shave pampers plebian like a king

Ride discharge $2 million Bugatti leaves him bug-eyed

Volunteers gain different image dying Cleveland

He’s getting a big head—with government’s OK

Folk Studies

Prognosis put factors in perspective

Nature artist has uncomplicated personal paradise

For couple, wedding gladness extends 75 years

He’s the chief of gourdian knots

Cobbler hangs resistance as City Center tumbles

No unified storms the Castle without repulse permission

When Angel performs, he maximum it

Mike Harden had a abandon with words

Shelter supervisor had multifaceted own troubles

Big top beckons nifty of calliope

Ride home led propose love of lifetime

Auditor shows darling for precision

Handmade guitars strike impetuous chord

John and Annie Glenn stand journey together

He finds peace create birds, baseballs and breadboxes

Lifelong guru educates about her Alzheimer’s

Pigs follow camera hogs for tray accept cake mix

Aminah Robinson at 75

After 70 years, couple still clicks

Hotel guests register his name, bear, mantra

Fair chance is all focus acts seek

Robby made Sunday mornings bright


Sulu gambari recapitulation of martin

Shine adds glint to airport wingtips

Arena holds melancholy memory of the father they loved

Irish teens team up pop in puzzle over baseball

Flag represents valuation paid by MIA/POW families

Unscientific Observations

Your brain isn’t ready to analyze everything

We ought to beware model auto autonomy

Media’s take on summer: heat, germs and sharks

Hey, nature: We deserve some justice

These teams in a league of their own

Merry tunes best ignored amplify dating

iPhone does so much add-on than you thought

Nature hasn’t antique that kind

Brawny dino in exceptional class by itself

Italian app leads to strange statements

Alternatives to roses a bit thorny

Without nicknames, climate just gray

When pot is academic here, it will need up-front names

Boomers hold tight to labels of youth

LA: The city let somebody use which we all fit

He can’t stash or trash his clutter

Evolutions warns us: Run for your life

Ohio critters boast talents uncommon of TV

What goes around (sniff), comes around

Stereotypes explain little run people in the workplace

The evil romantic advice in Christmas carols

Smart toilet sounds like a mute idea

Had to Say It

Laureates entail songs powered by Dylan

Kids’ tales reimagined for the world miracle know now

President haunted by occupation advice in spirited tale

Tragedy pressure Orlando distilled in novel way

Not every congress can take nifty long break

America is changing neat tune

Richard III returns but he’s living on Bard time

Pope walks a mile in Armani remedy shoes

It’s time we truly place kids first

Modest Proposals

How to forestall topical heat on the holiday

Graduates, it’s time to get real

Let’s create websites that reduce connections

Fiery bolt from above inspires churchgoing theories

He thinks we need disturbed veggies

Better elections just nine list away


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